Key evaluation projects
In Australia
Final Evaluation of ‘DPHI Regional Adaptive Pathways Planning pathfinder project’
Client: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. 2024.
The specific objectives of the RAPP evaluation are to assess the extent to which the project has been implemented as intended, and whether intended outputs have been or are expected to be delivered; assess the RAPP project effectiveness in achieving its objectives, outputs and outcomes; and assess the replicability and scalability of the RAPP model in ISRP to other regions.
Evaluation Planning of ‘Climate Change Adaptation Land Sector and Opportunities (CALSO) Program CCF 80-2’
Client: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. NSW Climate Change Fund and Adaptation Strategy
This evaluation plan for the Climate Change Adaptation Land Sector and Opportunities (CALSO) Program CCF 80-2 (the Program), also known as ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Action’. The plan includes information on the program’s context, its objectives, how it will achieve its objectives and how success will be measured and evaluated.
Lessons Learnt process for the Crown Land 2031 First Action Plan
Client: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. 2024.
This assignment aimed to present evidence, findings, and recommendations from undertaking a Lessons Learnt process for the Crown Land 2031 First Action Plan. This activity has been undertaken to inform development, implementation and reporting of the Second Action Plan.
Disaster Risk Reduction Fund – Monitoring and Evaluation Grantee Support Services. Client: NSW Reconstruction Authority (NSWRA) (formerly Resilience NSW).
EEC was engaged to build capacity of diverse grantees (across regional NSW) and project typologies, provide succinct materials and guidance for preparing M&E plans and data collection, support grantees to identify how deliverables at the project level can contribute to outcomes in the DRRF Program Evaluation Plan, and how program level outcomes and benefits can be reported on and support grantees and program managers understand what types of data to collect.
Evaluation Services for Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Adaptive Pathways Planning & Integrated Strategic Assessment (ISA) (ongoing). Client: NSW Department Planning and Environment.
EEC was engaged to undertake the final evaluation of the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Adaptive Pathways Planning ISA Pilot, design and undertake the evaluation of the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Adaptive Pathways Planning project (IS RAPP).
Develop Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Science Programs. Client: NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
EEC was engaged to develop a monitoring, evaluation & reporting plan and a program logic map that captures and structures program outcomes to guide how SEID will implement Actions 3, 5 and CCF80-1 to achieve program outcomes.